Gekrönt wurde der Aufenthalt mit dem Nachbarschaftsfest am letzten Tag. Wir waren dabei das Highlight - unsere Gläser waren niemals leer, wir hatten immer was auf dem Teller und waren niemals alleine. Natürlich mussten wir auch tanzen und singen (99 Luftballons). Zur großen Enttäuschung Vieler ergriffen wir irgendwann vorzeitig und ohne Verlobten die Flucht.
We had the luck to stay for five days at Theresa and Nam. Not organising felt like being at home. Theresa showed us the best places in town by moto bike. During our stay only Mona had the challenge to follow the fast Theresa through the crazy traffic. To say thank you we cooked mashed potatoes with meetballs and carrots. Probably we were as happy as Theresa and Nam.
A good ending of the week was the neighborhood party. There we were the highlight - our glasses never got empty, we had always something on our plats and we never were alone. Of cause we had to sing and to dance (99 Luftballons). We disappointed many of them when we escaped from the party without engagement.
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